Lectures on Nuclear Structure Theory and Reactions

Morten Hjorth-Jensen [1, 2]

[1] Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway
[2] Department of Physics and Astronomy and National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory, Michigan State University, USA

June 15-26 2015, National Nuclear Physics Summer School, Lake Tahoe, California

The teaching material is produced in various formats for printing and on-screen reading. If you are not familiar with second quantization, we recommend that you go through the additional material included here. The PDF files are based on LaTeX and have seldom technical failures that cannot be easily corrected. The HTML-based files, called "HTML" and "ipynb" below, apply MathJax for rendering LaTeX formulas and sometimes this technology gives rise to unexpected failures (e.g., incorrect rendering in a web page despite correct LaTeX syntax in the formula). Consult the corresponding PDF files if you find missing or incorrectly rendered formulas in HTML or ipython notebook files.

Material for lectures, with additional background as well

Introduction and motivation

Reminder on second quantization, background material

Hartree-Fock theory

Full configuration interaction theory and Coupled Cluster theory

Many-body perturbation theory

The regular seminar